Publications and writtings
Disability & Society
Volume 9 Number 3 1994
Special issue: Representation and Disabled people.
The Elephant Man (David Lynch EMI Films, 1980): an analysis from a disabled persective. Paul Darke, pp. 327- -342.
Swimming Against the Tide: Feminist Dissent on the Issue of Abortion (Ed. Angela Kennedy)
Abortion and Disability: Is that Different
(co-written with Marie Claire Darke) pp. 67 - 74
Framed: Interrogating Disability in the Media, edited by Anne Pointon and Chris Davies, bfi, London
Everywhere: Disability on Film - pp. 10 - 16 and Eye Witness - pp. 36 - 42
White Sticks, Wheels and Crutches
Disability and the Moving image
British Film Institute
Disability Culture & Identity
Sheila Riddel and Nick Watson
Now I Know Why Disability Art Is Drowning In The River Lethe (with thanks to Bourdieu). Paul Anthony Darke, pp131-143.
2012 Disability Equality Training
Action for Change
Liz Carr, Paul Darke & Kenji Kuno
MPH Publishing, Malaysia
All Swim in the river of life and lean towards salvation
Paul Darke -Paralympics 2012 read online here...
Disability and The Moving Image